Local is Lekker!
Want to make a difference in South Africa but don’t know how?
Buy Proudly South African and
Buy Froggie, buy quality!
Promote national pride and patriotism
Help create jobs
Actively and personally invest in our country and its people
Know that we are just a phone call away, if you have queries or problems
Be assured that our shoes are totally made locally or made in South Africa using imported materials
Create a bigger demand for home grown products and services
Support local companies like ours who are expanding production for the domestic and the export markets
Honour and remember Madiba - the Proudly South African Campaign was first conceived at the Presidential Job Summit in 1998, under the leadership of beloved former South African President, Nelson Mandela
Let’s build a strong, independent South Africa together … one person at a time – just because YOU can!
Proudly South African – Made with passion and care in South Africa